The Toyota Prius has received a huge amount of acclaim for how efficient and environmentally friendly it is. Well, when it comes to the environment we think we have it beat. Here is our side-by-side comparison of a Prius Hybrid versus a 6-door Urban Gorilla 4x4 built on a 2001-02 Duramax chassis:
Transportation Efficiency 100% Recycled Chassis Env. Unfriendly Fuel Cell Battery One vehicle for all purposes Available in Green Paint | 2012 TOYOTA PRIUS 41 mpg x 5 passengers = 205 Passenger MPG No Yes No No | URBAN GORILLA 4X4 17.5 mpg x 12 passengers = 210 Passenger MPG! Yes No Yes Yes |
As you can see in every category of our exhaustive, unbiased and scientific comparison the Urban Gorilla either matches or beats the Prius and proves to be the more environmentally friendly vehicle. Build your own Urban Gorilla 4x4 and park it at your local Starbucks with pride!