"Here is a couple roller pictures before it gets taken to the paint shop. It now has one tons with 4:56 gears and lockers, 40s, full hydraulic steering and a P-pumped 4bt cummins..."
Andrew S. from Texas
Andrew S. from Texas
December 2022
Notice: Urban Gorilla sells superior-quality, steel bodies for customers to use to build their own vehicle/kit car/re-body. These body packages are not GM® Kits, Dodge® Kits, Ford® Kits, Chevrolet® Kits, Land Rover® Kits, HMMWV Kits, Humvee® Kits, Hummer® Kits, H1® Kits, H2® Kits... kit cars, replicas, replicars... Urban Gorilla LLC is not associated with any of these companies, their subsidiaries, their owners, or any other company in any way. These names are registered trademarks of their respective owners.